Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The third and final tempo run is done: 3 miles at a 7:02 pace. The workout killed and I'm a little off compared to what I was running last October. I'm not sure where the motivation is suppose to keep coming for these workouts - I feel like I've tailed off a little faster this year compared to last year. Oh well. Tomorrow I'll try biking into and home from work - then Thursday I'll do some easy 6x400s.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sneakers Mile
Today I ran the Sneakers Mile loop - including 'the bitch'. I'm technically in taper week, so I postponed yesterday's 'long run' (usually 60 minutes) until today and cut it to 45 minutes, but upped the tempo a little - including the Sneakers Mile pickup. Totals: 45 minutes, 5.75 miles at a 7:50 min/mile pace: 7:45 for the first 3.23 miles, 6:41 for the pickup mile and 8:50 for the last 1.5 miles. I liked this worked because it's a bit longer than normal and includes some intensity - which is supposedly good to maintain during a 'taper'. Weather was cold and a bit windy but not uncomfortably so. I felt pretty good overall following the 3 day layoff.
Tomorrow keep the intensity up with a 3 mile tempo run.
Tomorrow keep the intensity up with a 3 mile tempo run.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
30 Minute Tempo Run
And the hard part is officially over! I did 4.14 miles in 30 minutes and 01 second. Broken into min/mile paces (each quarter was slightly over 1 mile): 7:14, 7:10, 7:18 and 7:17. I am particularly happy with the pacing - probably my best run all year in that regard. I was able to let off a little going down towards Eastern Point - enough so that I had a good bit left in my tank coming back up the hill. My legs and feet felt good, although my back was a little sore during miles 3 and 4 (feels ok now). The weather was bad for walking but great for running - 50s with light rain to keep me cool. This week has probably been the best weather-wise that I'll see: yesterday's trail run was great - cool and misty - wonderful colors. However tomorrows bike into work may be a washout. Oh well, 5 straight days is pretty good.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Trail Run Number 2
I hit Bluff Point again for an easy 45 minute trail run. 5.38 miles at an easy 8:22 pace. Tomorrow is the bomb.
Off Track Again
Thanks to a 'performance review' meeting at work, I had to get do my intervals around work at lunch. I averaged a 6:32 min/mile pace over 5x4 minute intervals. A nice improvement over 2 weeks ago. Legs felt pretty good.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday Run, Monday Rock!
What great weather we've been having. Yesterday I took my 3-year-old daughter out for a beautiful fall run: 7 miles at a 8:40 overall pace (including some hill walking) and today I did 'the Rock' with the men from work.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Bike and Hills
Yesterday I biked to and from work with my neighbor - about 9.5 miles each way. It was a lot harder than I remember - although I do remember it getting easier each time. I felt ok during the day, but pretty tired when I came home.
Today I did later afternoon hills - 8x90 seconds - about 30 minutes worth. It was difficult and I now feel like I'm getting a cold: no energy, sore throat. That wraps-up the total mileage for the week: 6.5+4.5+4.5 = ~ 15.5 + 3 equivalent miles on the bike ~18.5.
I've managed to pick-up my training a bit: 10 decent workouts over 12 days: 6.25 run, 5x1000 intervals, 45-min trail run, 3-mile tempo, swim, 6.6 run, 18x200 ints, 2 bike rides and a set of hills.
Today I did later afternoon hills - 8x90 seconds - about 30 minutes worth. It was difficult and I now feel like I'm getting a cold: no energy, sore throat. That wraps-up the total mileage for the week: 6.5+4.5+4.5 = ~ 15.5 + 3 equivalent miles on the bike ~18.5.
I've managed to pick-up my training a bit: 10 decent workouts over 12 days: 6.25 run, 5x1000 intervals, 45-min trail run, 3-mile tempo, swim, 6.6 run, 18x200 ints, 2 bike rides and a set of hills.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Back at the Track
Today I did my first serious track workout in a while. Keeping with my goal of changing things up, I did ~18x200 intervals over about 30 minutes. I'm glad I went. I was basically the only non-Con College student there, and the cross country coach was looking at me - probably wondering when I was going to leave. Fortunately it takes college kids about 1/2-hour to get there butts in gear, so I was done before they started there 'strides'. I didn't have my GPS on, but I probably did at least 3.5 miles - so I'm at about 10 total after 3 days this week. Tomorrow I'm biking to work. Thursday Hills (uggh).
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007

The second was my first, and likely last Rock swim. Brutal chop for the fueled by 25 mph winds made it more difficult than I remember, but I think it really helped my legs recover - I suppose 65 degree water is a natural anti-inflammatory.
For the week I managed over 21 miles on the ground, and about 3 equivalent miles swimming - so roughly 24 miles all told.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Trail Run at Bluff Point

Thankfully, I have a big running weekend to look forward to on November 3rd and 4th - the nations best will be competing that Saturday in Central Park in the Men's Olympic qualifier (read more here). The next day - I'll be running my favorite - the Tarzan Brown Mystic River run.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Off-Track Intervals
Today I did my first set of 'off-track' intervals at lunch: 5x4 minutes (~1K/interval). The average pace per interval was 6:44 (6:30, 6:30, 6:45, 6:45 and 7:09 - the last one was, as always, uphill). I'm doing well so far. I felt ok during the run, although my left calf was sore at the beginning. After the workout I felt a little sick, but coffee seems to have helped. Tomorrow is an easy 45 minutes out at Bluff Point.
Monday, October 08, 2007
6.25 Down at the Shore
Sunday I did 6.25 easy miles at a ~8:25 pace (not certain because my GPS went a little goofy). The intent was to run for about 60 minutes - so I achieved that. Today I worked my legs: calves, hams, quads, etc...Tomorrow I'll do an off-track speed workout - it was suppose to be the track day, but I have to take one of our cars in - so I'll get it in at lunch.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Mixing It Up
Well, I wasn't thrilled about my time for the 1/2, so I'm trying to mix my training up a little over the next month. 2 core workouts/week, trail runs, bike rides, track work, hills, swimming, as well as the usual tempo and distance work. Did 3.75 with Tingly Wednsday at a pokey 8:15 pace - just to stretch the legs. Did upper-core today. Will aim for an easy 60-min either tomorrow or Sunday. Next we'll I do track tuesday, bluff point wed and a tempo thrs. Should be fun.