Sunday, May 31, 2015
This morning I headed out to do the Newburyport river run - a half marathon distance around the town of Newburyport. The race started promptly at 9:15. Good thing I arrived early - as I thought it was suppose to go off at 9:30. I've had a spell of poor showings recently, so I was hoping for a decent time. The race started off swift - about 7:20s for the first two miles, but the weather was very muggy and I knew I would never keep that up. I moderated the pace and tried to hit the 7:30s since it's easy to keep track off. After an hour, I was still pretty close to that. I know I hit the ten mile mark at 1:16:30 a so I was about 740s overall. The last 3 were harder than I would've hoped, but I finished at 1:40 on the nose, good for a 7:38 pace overall. This places it as my second fastest of 5 attempts at this distance, my best being 7:20s, my third best over 8 min/mile. Given the muggy morning, I'm pretty happy with that.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Race week!
Taper week. Some hate it, I love it. Did 6x400s yesterday at the track. Did 1:30s the first two and 1:32s the lat four. It was pretty hot out, so I'm happy with that. Today I biked to and from work for my workout. It was mys first biking all the way in since last fall.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Last Hurrah.
I did my final 'long run' today - a good 8 miler around the Charles River. I went out with a grad student from Spain who I was thinking I'd have to ditch (at an 8 min/mile pace). I was surprised when the 7:30 pace we were running appeared to be an easy lap around the river for her - shows you what you get for making assumptions about people. In the end, it was good she ran with me as it ended up being a perfect way to cap the training plan. A few more 'easy' runs next week to keep the legs fresh - and then i'll hit the race circuit for the first time since March.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Last Tempo Run
I did my last tempo today. I ran it without the iphone/gps - but I think it was ~3 miles in about 21-22 minutes. Which is about right. It felt hard - but doable the whole way. Nice rain to run in also. Home front is rough. Way too much going on - wife on crutches really ramps up the do everything to about 1000. I'm not sure what that means - but that's what I feel. Seems frusteratingly consistent with the difficulty the last 3 years of getting a good training/life rhythm.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Not sure if I ever did this workout before: 2x3200. I went out with Larry and Travis and did the first 2 miles slow - about 9 each. At Longfellow, Larry and I took off - did 7:10 and 7:11 for the first 3200 - a little fast, but Larry was pushing. The middle mile I took easy: 8:38 - this brought me back across to the Boston side and then I hung a right toward BU. The second set I did 7:25 and 7:14. It felt hard, but good - not too much. 7.4 miles total. Good Intensity. Freaking perfect day for running.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Final long run...
Today I ran home from work, including the fresh pond loop, for 12.3 miles. The first 11 miles I averaged roughly an 8 min/mile pace. Hill into Arlington sucked. Nevertheless, a solid run, and I felt better throughout compared to last week.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
I've been itching to hit the track for a while now, and I finally made it this morning for 5x1000s. I manged ~4:10s throughout - which is about 6:45 pace. Back calculating - that would estimate my 10K pace to be about 7:30 (imo, a little slow) - and my planned half-marathon pace at 7:50 - which may be about right. In any case - it felt good and hard. I managed to do them all about the same pace as well - which is always good.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Did the tempo run today. I didn't have enough time to do the intervals, so I headed out thinking it would be too hot to run very fast. Turning onto the esplanade, I caught a very nice cool breeze, and thus started my first mile of three. It clicked by in 7:28. The second was about the same (7:30) and the final one was 7:09. Must have been pushing. I was trying to go hard, but not too hard that I was dreaming of stopping. Overall, a very nice workout. Will aim for intervals on Wednesday morning and a long run in again Friday.
Saturday, May 09, 2015
14 miler
yesterday I ran into work, incuding two loops of fresh pond. My goal was about 8:10s. I managed about 8s down and through fresh pond, and then started slowing down through miles 8 and 9 toward the arsenal bridge. The last four miles I was seriously hurting. Total mileage was about 14.5 and time was around 2 hours. The gods cutout for about 1/2 mile, so those are estimates. I'm not sure exactly what was wrong. It was a little hot to start, and my pacing wasn't great. The race is three weeks out. I think I'll aim for another 12 miler next week. Hopefully it'll feel a little better.
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
I did my first interval session of this round. Never did 2000s before. Pushed the first one too hard and finished in under 8:30. Second one was back on the Cambridge side and took just under 9 minutes. That's a good hard workout - but relatively short and fits well along the river loop.
Saturday, May 02, 2015
Zoning In
Last week was spring break week which we spent at Disney Land and San Diego - a great trip - one of the best of my life - but completely devoid of meaningful exercise. It was by design - a decision made in advance - but I knew I needed to have a good week this week. Mission accomplished.
Did a very nice tempo run on Monday - the normal 4.7 loop - but the middle 3 was run at a sub-7:30. Legs were very sore from 1 hour strength on Sunday (probably the most important of the 5 workouts). I took Tuesday off because of the leg pain - but it was a good pain.
Wednesday they were feeling better - and I did the last hill work with Lar. 2x(45x90x120) - which felt pretty easy - since the hill flattens out at the top and the trip down gives you a nice blow. We ended up running a little extra - 7 miles total.
Thursday was the topper - 9.9 miles home - much of it around 7:40 pace - probably the middle 6 miles. Lar was really pushing it hard - and i was pretty much holding on. The hill at arlington killed the overall pacing - but is probably really good training so i'm good with it.
Finally - another hour of strength this week. Likely my best week in many years. The only thing I need to hit harder next week is stretching. I'll dial back the strength into more often shorter strength/stretch sessions - and concentrate on my 14-15 miler - probably on Thursday. Week kinda stinks because i have Groton on wed - so i'll need to do mon,thr,friday runs....
Did a very nice tempo run on Monday - the normal 4.7 loop - but the middle 3 was run at a sub-7:30. Legs were very sore from 1 hour strength on Sunday (probably the most important of the 5 workouts). I took Tuesday off because of the leg pain - but it was a good pain.
Wednesday they were feeling better - and I did the last hill work with Lar. 2x(45x90x120) - which felt pretty easy - since the hill flattens out at the top and the trip down gives you a nice blow. We ended up running a little extra - 7 miles total.
Thursday was the topper - 9.9 miles home - much of it around 7:40 pace - probably the middle 6 miles. Lar was really pushing it hard - and i was pretty much holding on. The hill at arlington killed the overall pacing - but is probably really good training so i'm good with it.
Finally - another hour of strength this week. Likely my best week in many years. The only thing I need to hit harder next week is stretching. I'll dial back the strength into more often shorter strength/stretch sessions - and concentrate on my 14-15 miler - probably on Thursday. Week kinda stinks because i have Groton on wed - so i'll need to do mon,thr,friday runs....